A Girl and Her Mama

Last night, I was lucky enough to be escorted to the Tote Bag Project’s Anniversary Celebration by my adorable ‘lil Miss A. We really enjoyed the Mama/Daughter time together, and we are sure Daddy and ‘lil Man enjoyed a night in with pizza!

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We’re going to make it a point to each have more special alone time with each kid. It’s important for our bonding, and definitely made an impact on ‘lil Miss A. 🙂

#PghToteChallenge Day 1 Thoughts

Well, the ‘lil Burghers almost forgot that today started Earth Week and the Tote Bag Challenge, but we’re proud to say that we have not had to claim a $1 penalty through day 1!

This morning when I woke up, I went downstairs to get started on the kids’ brunch and pack my Monday lunch. I realized the fridge needed some cleaning, so I reached for a grocery bag to collect trash items. I was one step away from the pile that needs to get to the recycle bin when it hit me…the Challenge started today! It was time to think about how not to use a bag to get the trash to the trash can…this involved several trips to the trash (and thus extra burnt calories, win). The sad thing is that it made Mr. Burgher and I realize how much food we let spoil or go to waste (mostly leftovers from the kids’ meals that they let sit out way too long). Hunger is a problem, and we shouldn’t be so wasteful, but that’s another challenge to take on. One bag avoided.

The next step was easy, packing my lunch. I bought a Wrap-N-Mat months ago to carry my sandwiches, and I have to say I am in love with it. It doubles as a placemat (if needed) and keeps the food fresh. We have plenty of Rubbermaid containers that I use, plus some really great always fresh green containers for storing veggies and fruits (thanks, Mom!). It makes packing lunch a breeze. If only my trusty lunchbag wasn’t getting a big tear in it, I’d feel set!

As I packed my lunch, I had some pre-Challenge veggie/fruit bags from the grocery store, but I realized that they could be recycled. You know, we never realized that before, but now these will go in the pile to be recycled!

The rest of our day was pretty laid back and lazy, so that meant no grocery shopping, no couponing, and no chance of slipping up with a plastic bag! We’ll be considering day 1 of the Challenge a huge success!

Our Elephant Memories

When we visit the zoo, our kids, by far, enjoy the elephants the most. ‘lil Miss A’s first real word (at 2 months old, and I can’t make this stuff up) was “Ellie”. (Granted, she didn’t speak a peep again for a LONG time.) ‘lil Man was captivated on this last trip, staring for minutes on end and waving (as if the elephants could see him). One of the best things that the Zoo offers is an opportunity for a photo with one of the elephants. We’ve taken the chance twice now, and will probably continue to share a “progression” as the kids get older.

Here we are in 2010, the summer I was pregnant with ‘lil Man:

And here we are last Friday:

We Love the Birds

…and that’s why we became members of the National Aviary for Valentine’s Day, and went back to visit for Mr. Burgher’s birthday. Unfortunately, ‘lil Man was not himself, so most of the trip was enjoyed by A. I was able to test out some photos, and would rather share them with you than write much about the trip. Enjoy!

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One of the hardest parts of trying to eat healthy are the temptations of the “old life”, but I am learning to manage them fairly well. My mantra has been, if I don’t allow myself a taste, I am just going to go absolutely crazy on some treats when I do let myself go. I’m talking mostly about sweets, my lifeblood while I was pregnant with ‘lil Miss A (so someone tell me how I lost weight eating sweets while pregnant with her, but now gain 10 pounds when I sniff sugar in the air, now). Sweets like yummy ice cream, brownies, and cookies. Yum.

The tough part is that is is almost my birthday (the one most people consider their “last”), and that means I am going to want a treat. Will it be a cookie from the local bakery? A cupcake from another local baker with a famous baker? Some red velvet cake? Or some home-delivered cheesecake from Cheesecake.com (who also is baking up an idea for (shut the front door) Cheesecake of the Month!)? I think I am going to have to put my finger on one good treat and enjoy the who knows what out of it, then not beat myself up for it.

What do you do to curb temptations? Is there a must have treat, or do you find substitutes through yogurts and popsicles (which 98% of the time works for me)? The problem is, there isn’t a cheesecake popsicle (and even worse, I just remembered how much I love Turtle Cheesecake while writing this post). Ok, time to stop thinking about yummy cheesecake and to start drinking some water, right? 😉

This post was brought to you by your friends at Cheesecake.com–an Epic Cheesecake Experience. I was not provided any cheesecake for this post (but oh, wouldn’t that be great?), and the thoughts are 100% my own.

The First Time #BlogDare

On October 8, 2008, I was handed that bundle of joy and expected to know what in the world to do with her. I was a first time (single) mom.

I had spent months worrying about making sure everything was “just right”–were the crib slats close enough together and the changing table sturdy enough? They say nothing can really prepare you for being a parent, but I think with this one, I got lucky. Aside from her milk allergy and RSV at 2 months, she really was a good baby. My parents were there for the first two weeks, but after that, Mallory, A, and I were on our own. We made it, testing out the waters with a newborn.

Being a first time mom was not at all a scary feeling for me. I had decided to keep my child because I fell in love with her even before I knew what she’d be like. Having A gave me a purpose, a focus, a reason. She was truly my everything. We grew together, learning about the world and love. We fell in love with Mr. Burgher (she did first–blame her!) and renewed our love for Pittsburgh together. Being a first time mom was actually an amazing experience for me–one I’ll never regret.

This post was part of the Bloggy Mom’s Blog Dare.

a mom blog community

Why She Will Always Live On

A long time ago, I was a first grader and I met the person who would be my best friend forever. No, this isn’t some story of silly elementary school friendship, this is a real life, forever and ever story. Wendy and I met at Pinecreek Elementary school, playing on the playground in muddy puddles. We had that one lone year together as children, then renewed our friendship when I moved back in tenth grade. Our time together was again short, but Wendy was a woman who will always live on through me, through my children, and hopefully through their children.

Today, after twelve long years without her physically here with me, my Wendy memories are burned into my brain. While there are days that I still feel the pain, there are days like today that I am proud of the person knowing her helped me become. Today, twelve years after she took her last breath, I know one big reason why God put my Wendy in my life. Even when she had so many reasons to take and not give, she gave. She gave and she loved. She gave with her whole heart. And she was such an amazing person for that.

It was December 1999. Our youth group had picked an angel to buy clothes and toys for at Christmas. We girls were in charge of getting the gift–boys know nothing about buying clothes for little girls. Wendy was in remission, but she led the charge of us getting our gifts. We packed into my dad’s conversion van and hit the road for DuBois. Warm clothes for the baby girl were a must, and then a fun toy. Wendy made sure we used our budget to the fullest to give our angel child the best gifts we could. Then we shared laughs over dinner, just a bunch of teenage girls making memories. We quickly lost track of time and got home late, but that was ok because our families trusted us girls together.

It didn’t matter what she had been through, she was always giving, always loving. Being the example of what we all should be. That December night was just one of many that I got to witness and learn all about giving with a joyful heart. Everyone needs someone like Wendy in their lives. The lessons she taught me will always live on and I am so thankful.

+ + +

Speaking of people who are great examples of giving wholeheartedly, take a look at what some of the peers from my first 2nd Grade class were up to this week. Green Sea Middle School Walk for Glaucoma (from SCNow.com). What great examples of love and lifelong friendship!