Moms of Daughters, a guest post by Mrs ‘Ski

Today’s guest post is from my dear Chatham friend and mama-to-be, Mrs. ‘Ski of Oh Yeah? Roger That!. Enjoy!

After we announced we were expecting, the very first person to predict a baby girl was Little Miss A. You may not know this, but A has a successful track record of predictions, but the majority of our circle was leaning towards a son. B, better known as the author of this blog, made sure to remind me of Little Miss A’s prediction just before our third attempt at a sonogram. After the tech’s announcement and the excitement settled a bit, I thought of that prediction and how B and I would soon be in the same boat, the mother of a daughter.
Of course when we announced it was a girl, comments poured in about how cute girls’ clothes are, how easy they are to shop for, etc. While all very true, there is so much more to the relationship of a daughter and her mom, sticky, complex things that scare the bejeezus outta me, things you don’t think about right away unless you were expecting a boy. : ) I think I’ll feel better if I get it all out there. Here we go.

The how do I style a 3 y/o’s hair breakdown.
The I want my Daddy meltdown.
The I had a bad dream snuggle.
The you have to stop spoiling her talk.
The first bra shopping trip.
The your attitude is out of control and you are 11 talk.
The OMG you’re too young to have your period talk.
The how can you send 35,000 texts in one month talk.
The black nail polish really? talk.
The you can’t wear that in public talk.
The why is that your profile photo??
The we can’t afford that talk.
The sex talk.
The self respect talk.
The birth control talk.
The after-prom activities lecture.
The your boyfriend doesn’t deserve you talk.
The its called a breakup because its broken talk.
The her boyfriend isn’t much different than you, Dear talk.
The women’s colleges are great options talk.
The 80/20 wedding obligation talk.
The honeymoon is over first marital fight talk.
The life will never be stable and easy talk.
The she’s just like me realization.

And B and I may phone a friend for help on any or all of these, but its all for the love of daughters.

Mr. Ski and the ‘Lil Burghers…Mrs. Ski just told us she was expecting when we took this photo, so we have spared her the photo. 😉

One response to “Moms of Daughters, a guest post by Mrs ‘Ski

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